Référence:Walt in Wonderland (Russel Merritt and J. B. Kaufman)

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Édition originale bilingue

@Book{Author = {Russel Merritt, JB Kaufman},Title = {Nel paese delle meraviglie : i cartoni animati muti di Walt Disney / Walt in Wonderland : The Silent Films of Walt Disney},Language = {Anglais},Publisher = {La Cinecita del Friuli},Year = {1992},ISBN = {888615500X},}

Première Édition américaine

@Book{Author = {Russel Merritt, JB Kaufman},Title = {Walt in Wonderland : The Silent Films of Walt Disney},Language = {Anglais},Publisher = {The Johns Hopkins University Press},Year = {1994},ISBN = {0-8018-4907-1},}

Édition américaine révisée

@Book{Author = {Russel Merritt, JB Kaufman},Title = {Walt in Wonderland : The Silent Films of Walt Disney},Language = {Anglais},Publisher = {The Johns Hopkins University Press},Year = {2000},ISBN = {0-8018-6429-1},}